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Hurra denmark !!!

There is a similar case in Denmark like mine where some people having fun with ruin others as like people where there property.

This one was 3 kids at their teens (kind of) and I know one of them very little and what I know is he not even bad just fucking unlucky and stupid at the moment. But they end up one day in a class room and they end up burning the school down to the ground and took their punishment. In short

1 has committed suicide the other has a mental break down and is on an institution and the 3 is hunted like an animal. 

War On Drugs

As the huge fan of fox news. Not because I agree with all they say but it’s good to get another mindset and maybe correct yourself at some point. It can be boring to hear yourself talking if you get the point. But I had a big surprise moment with Oraly and stossel talking about drugs and I find myself straight in the middle of it all. Stossel wants free drugs and from what I got out of it all free (you name it) maybe with modification and the oraly factor just punish harder and then the problem go away.

The think is punishment has never worked and lots of people are doing time and spend so much money  for being  locking up and the police bill just for marijuana is like 300 mil every fucking years just in NY what does not include the bill for the monkey house. What I talk about is billions (13) for all included just for police work and then you have to include the TAX lost and jobs in the industry that will come with it.

The other drugs are mainstream to ( let’s be honest it is) and my opinion is just free drugs for prostitutes and hardcore addicts because there is a big difference between living for drugs or just doing it sometimes and that’s where test centers should be a opportunity so people know what they get. Like myself I like ecstasy and hate the fact that I might get the wrong think 10 out 1 time without knowing what it is. It’s a big health disaster waiting just around corner (from my view it should be punished hard to sell something its not) and it’s not just me. It’s an issue for anyone who is going out for a blast (sometimes) and that include the oraly example of the daughter who end up killing herself.   

the insourcing book 2012 first real edision

One way of In sourcing

The thing about tax deduction. I want to explain it better. When thing get too expensive to employ people it would be good for all companies (big/small) to have the option of getting a tax deduction (on their employment bill) to be competitive or have more sales people for expansion and so on. The good thing is the company can get some cheap labor and the employer pay tax and are productive. It can grow domestic jobs that would go anywhere else to. It can be done on thing to that would be too expensive for common people to get some kind of service but can get the price down by making a tax deduction on the service they pay for. It makes the domestic productivity a lot more competitive with the global marked and create tax payers and more consumers. The other good thing is we in the west pay tax that the only way to do it like this it can’t be done without any tax payers. It can be done to when people work for free in their education plan for companies what is a big burden on a bill that are too high already for getting the education they want. In reality it’s even possible to make economic zones where the unemployment is really high to boost growth. The other thing is it good one item travel all around the world so you can get it cheaper

The best thing is the small companies are the biggest employer in any nation and they can get to the next step with a little help without risking it all.


Facebook and suckersberg
(Microsoft is correcting suckerberg to suckerberg sorry) but that not the topic at all. You might thing suckerberg is a wanker he not (at least not at the moment). but what you might don’t know is what he is in reality. He power house build by a engender made in to 1 billion friends and the ability to reach them what is more than any news agencies can do (that’s power (power sounds bad but it doesn’t have to be objected as that) and he might know how to reach people in the best way. That’s power to. It’s a media where all can be reached by just adding and wright straight to the person who you want to reach and you can reach the friends of them to (what is more important). You say I know that shit and so what!! It’s not so what it’s a direct way to influence of your community, politcant and whatever is on you mind what make it a power house for any sucker out there (like your local café that has too much latte in the cop so you spill it every time you order what is on daily basis it mean you might get a spot on your shirt 70 time every fucking year what can lead to ongoing washing machines and a bad environment and less money for cake at the end go the month what is only a problem if you slim ) that you want to change. The only rule is the better argument over any who is out there. Argumentation is the key for getting your voice heard and accepted and maybe a correction of mindset. It mean your local politician has a problem when it comes to sit on he’s hands cause he is out if he does not deliver and cannot just be a byproduct of one media one vote system (monopoly/propaganda kids) (in reality you can do your membership in an organization (political or non and outperform the boss). one more thing is you might think your opinion is not reach by anyone. That’s not true it matters what you think or what ideas you have in your mind for any one you want to contact or all the ones you might benefit from contacting. There is only one thing I have to complain about and it’s the politicant Facebook profile where it’s impossible to reach them what is already a politicant that has a lack in politics. I have a trick and its and there comment field and some persistent work attitude and first of all people don’t find you have to let them know your there (branding). But that the main thing in a world where there is no monopoly and one vote media and the world dis-pirate-ly need to take some of the monopoly down and get rid of gangs sitting there ass of. Like the EU system in general that needs a makeover. The beast really looks ugly and incompetent at the moment and change has to start somewhere.

India, sex and marrige

Now it illegal to have sex with minors that is under 18 by law now in India. What is funny lots of people are marriage from 15 to 18 (might be over 50 %or more when lokking back) (it’s not a whore state (like Denmark where brith controle are handet out for kids age 13 by there mums) and might be the only way to get it or get rid of there parrents) and it has coursed problem with a flashback effect that would and could set people in prison and a lots a government and business people are afraid they would be blackmailed for marrying underage girls. India is kind of funny for this anything is upside down. There is a system where the girl family has to pay lots of money to get rid of her and every day in the news there are stories like the family (the girl) could not pay enough compared to the other family so they simply killed her when they found out after the marriage. there is also the man who promise to marriage a girl and they have sex before marriage and he did not keep his promise so she toke him to court for rape and the story about the man that made a `deal` with the family to marriage their daughter when old enough and show up 15 years later and demand her without her will (and in a very different world) or the multi bride man that just want to cash in on their parents and just marriage anyone out there.
And yes it is funny even Indian laugh about it


I been to India just 2 month ago and there is a big issue about corruption what is in the daily news and rebels and grassroots movements waking up and taking action.
Yes India I slowing down but the export has never been bigger from what it is right now (it’s not the EU crises) but a fundamental infrastructure like. India is closed down many times a day with the big hunger for electricity. Its less productivity and work flow and so on everything just stop and nobody know for how long when it happens.
Roads are like a mess (a trip that could take 5 hours might be 10. That’s double up on gasoline) and sign can’t tell you where to go and so on.
In general infrastructure are just not up to dated
They have a big potential for tourism and the growing middle class are a huge potential but it need cash and more options and development that can gasp the need for anybody to make people stay and learn the same time. Culture and courses in any field nearby or right at the spot for entertainment. Its infrastructure to with knowledge bases like the so called internet and neutral tourist shop for all kind of people and accommodation for rich poor and middle men. The western tourist will get bored easy with the same shop every day and a beach can’t be an option for more than a week before its seen tried and are getting you just as bored as the shops. It’s all about entertainment.
Why not use brains with cheap part-time courses on the holyday branded on a website so people can pick it before they go. Yoga, culture, web design, finances, stock management, cocking it could be anything. It’s not about having the courses it’s about make people know where to get them.

Lars Ævl

Når Lars løkke ævler om at tiltrække dygtig arbejdes kraft er han helt og aldeles middelalderlig and 10 år bag ud (lige som sin forgænger) i forhold til hvordan verden ser ud og det vil ikke undre mig at rødhold vil tag det samme ævl op som en del af deres propaganda program. Verden er helt anderledes og det har den være i mange år. Hvorfor!! man kan ikke tiltrække de kloge hovender men man kan tag dem hvor de er og nok gerne vil være hjemme i Indien eller Kina for der er alle de andre med udviklings afdelinger der er linket digitalt til lille (FR eksempel) Danmark. Og ja det lyder farligt men hvis man ikke er med så tager de andre patenterne og overhaler alle andre med dobbelt op på dygtige folk.  Det lyder slemt men der giver osse knowhow og arbejde for folk hjemme at være forrest i feltet og det skal man være. Så det er en helt latterlig og misforstået sætning at Danmark skal tiltrække dygtige folk. Nej Danmark skal avle dygtige folk på top nevue og så skal de dygtige folk have muligheden hvor de er for eller er der andre der tager dem hvor de er (som alle andre store virksomheder osse gør) og har deres sociale liv. Der er ikke nogen der gør som butikken Danmark for udviklingen er ikke at hive folk heller ikke til USA den er at have noget af udviklingen der hvor hjernerne er for det er der de vil være og det er der resten af verden tager dem og får dobbelt så meget ud af det de kalder internettet. Så det Lars løkke siger, er ævl og en helt latterligt at skabe visioner som ikke er en realitet og en til gavn for de danske virksomheder andet end at sætte dem tilbage og lade andre tag over. Så faktum er at Danmark har brug for at overhaling og hjælp til at skabe forbindelse til netop at kunne have dele at sin udvikling i udlandet og osse for små og mellem store virksomheder der har brug for det og der hjælper dronningen eller ambassadørerne ikke det er en opgave for de danske ambassader at skabe links så butikken Danmark står bedre og ikke ævler om at hive kloge hoveder til et land der ikke er nogen der gider være i og en styrkelse af det der er brug for. Hvad er meget specialiseret folk ikke dem der kan en helt masse som alle andre osse kan men specialer i knowhow for alle de andre opgaver kan man løse med det de kalder internettet.

EU and inkompetence of politicants

Farming in EU
It’s very well known that farming in EU is subsidies and there is no real reason but wasting money And it is the lack of competence with the system that has started something and don’t have the brain to stop it at least slowly. Its doesn’t help anybody to subsidies it just create a system where anything will go up in price for the benefits of very few people. Why the more you subsides the more dependent people are on it and the more you do it the higher farmland will raise in price while it would be better just to get rid of it slowly and let the marked of farmland make it more profitable by cutting the price of it down what can be done slowly over time within the EU system and then it can take care of it self over maybe 30 years time

2020 plan for EU ( other dont do it so why not let it out )

1. more independent countries and less regulations
2. stronger financial regulations when it comes to ECB and IMF ( they blow it big on any others for protecting banks in France and trade in Germany

3. An EU army that are more effective and less costly and for keeping a VETO in Security Council. The way it is now is not even a reality when it comes to power. 2 counties with nothing but a very small population have too much to say on behalf of all EU. Its needed to for a better support for NATO and USA and for our own military industry and would be a cultural project from the start and future wars are won by sea and air and need a upgrade in EU. It means big and better fire power and shipment for a better balance and support and it are not done by one or 2 suckers behaving like they have. It’s done in corporate EU. It’s about cutting at some things and upgrade other places. The normal recruit is not in a big need but shipping and real support is (transportation of firepower and air force) you properly know hanger ships. All future wars are against dictators who want a bombs or a lesson in behaving right with neutralization of their power and head hunt. Its need money and corporation from all EU members and a flexible war machine. EU does not have to be better but at least supportive. And it’s easy with a veto/vote system with in EU. It’s a cutting and spending plan.

4. a strong EU police that can operate in hot spots and where it is needed and for taking care of borders why have 20 border opened again when it can be done on the out skirts

5. cultural projects should focus on sustainability and not just a cash out for friends with in the EU system and monitored and with contracts and obligations

6. The give out policy is stupid and is built for big companies and not for entrepreneurs. If people can pay themselves they must do it.

7. stronger regulations on consumer hardware and better standards to keep scrap out

8. EU have to face the world is not a free marked and must invest in projects (infrastructure what is many things. For common good and invest in a clean non monopoly with emission cut where the good projects are or where the jobs are needed. Maybe in a fund with in EU

9. EU is made for a group of people that’s almost don’t want to be a part of it. First of all its need a new system with representatives from an elected government even if the number of suckers has to raise.

10. Farming is not my business but does it really make sense that farmers can’t make a living for themselves and the free marked will just regulate farmland so it will be profitable over time and why pay people not to farm. We need farming for future energy supply

11. What goes down is a responsibility for any nation and interest like banks (Sarkozy) or trade (Germany) is not a way to handle all others money. It could be helping banks out and create jobs

12. The fact that politicant can find one place to work and is not even living in Brussels on fulltime for doing their job is a disgrace and a joke for any other member in EU. What is 400 million who is expected to do their job

13. EU needs branding it mean public service TV and radio that all members can get access. There are lots of topics and it’s a good check list and no hide away for politicant. There are lots on culture and politics and debate so it’s like stupid it’s not done 20 years ago

14. EU should prepare itself for no more oil with investing in clean energy or resources to make up for the fact that is right in front us.

boomerang and EU

EU is in a boomerang moment where the medicine for develop countries with investing in debt and not in jobs and people and growth is the trap they put themselves in and before lots of others
The EU system has proven to be an incompetent and the wrong system for a corruptive way of helping each other and nothing but subsidies for the establishment and not for new entrepreneurs who really need the finances to create job and new companies.
As an example a company in Denmark got 1 million euro to do some tests and the main company had plenty of money to pay themselves. Who long can a new entrepreneur get with 1 million euro if he/has the new thing. But it’s not how it works its suckers for suckers system that suck back and forward for money.
To say it like this people should “beat” up politicians verbally for their incompetents in EU for giving out to themselves and their rich friend cause that’s what they all do in all political parties they are a rotten group of suckers supporting their own bank account and give a shit about you. There is a need for a real wake up for EU scrap and it might be what is needed.
It’s like people are send there for a vacation and not for doing a job of getting a better EU and they have made the most stupid system that is a political failure in world class 1 and they will not even admit it. That’s how arrogant EU politicians are. They just blame other parties and then there back is free. It’s not just some it’s them all that’s has been one big mistake.